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Fundamental to academic integrity is the presentation of your work as your own, the acknowledgement of others' work, and the truthful reporting of results obtained. It is your responsibility to act truthfully and honestly in your academic pursuit, and to acquaint yourself with the University's policies on academic integrity and discipline. You will be subjected to disciplinary action should you be found to be in violation of these policies. A complete listing of the relevant regulations concerning every HKUST student can be found in the General Regulations chapter of the HKUST Academic Calendar.

Plagiarism is one of the most serious academic offences. If you present work that originates from sources other than your own without adequate referencing, for credit in a course, a program of study, or for fulfillment of degree requirements, you are then committing plagiarism. This pertains to academic work in any form, including theses, examinations, tests, term papers and assignments.

Cheating and other acts of academic dishonesty are also serious offences. To learn more about the University's policies concerning such acts, please refer to the Academic Regulations on Academic Integrity, published by the Office of the Provost.

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Hong Kong is situated in a subtropical monsoon climate, and extreme weather conditions can occur in Hong Kong during the spring and summer months. These include tropical cyclones (known as typhoons in Asia) and severe rain/thunderstorms and under these circumstances class/exam activities may be cancelled.

Typhoons are categorized into ten levels, with 10 being the most severe. Rainstorms are categorized by color, with Black being the most severe. More information on weather warnings and safety guidelines during severe weather conditions is available here.

Final examination schedules and related information are posted on the Academic Registry (ARO) website. Please consult the website for up-to-date information concerning exam arrangements in the event of severe weather.

Below are the general guidelines in the case of bad weather. You should take these as a guideline, and confirm the arrangements when the situation arises. 

If the Typhoon Singal No. 8 and/or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal are: All Classes and Exams
(Including online)
Hoisted within 2 hours of the scheduled starting time of classes or exams Will be cancelled
Lowered at or before 6:30am Starting at or after 8:30am will be held as scheduled
Lowered at or before 12 nn Starting at or after 2pm will be held as scheduled ; Starting before 2pm will be canceled
Lowered at or before 4pm Starting at or after 6pm will be held as scheduled ; Starting before 6pm will be canceled
Still in effect at 4pm In the evening will be cancelled

If an examination is canceled due to the Black Rainstorm Warning or the Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above, arrangements will be made for that examination to be held as soon as practicable after the scheduled examination period.